The Moon

“It is not the pursuit of happiness we find fulfillment, it is in the happiness of the pursuit” - Denis Waitley

It’s very strange, this current state I find myself in. I have never felt more detached and more deeply connected to life, self and others, as I do right now. I am a speck in the waters, sending ripples and yet a firm speck of my own, all the same.

Nine hours and one science project later…..

Our room is currently, semi laced, by the light of the moon. It is a once in a lifetime night/morning. We are blessed to witness a super blue blood moon eclipse. Well for those who want to awake at 5 am to gaze upon this wonder. I might if I am awake but for now I am mesmerized by the thought that the moon dictates the tides and we are made up of 75% water.
I just came in after spending some time in the moon’s presence and can’t help but acknowledge with humbleness and awe of the outer forces that dictate the tides. The tides on this earth and the tides within us all.
In the reflection of the moon, I started reflecting back to all the times I have tried to control the tides of life, tried to play the outer force. Foolishly hoping and thinking that building upon the sand could alter the tides. That I had a power, over this external gravitational pull.  How often I have stood, in sinking sand, crying over the loss of my castles.
I probably started saying this quote to my brother when he was about 9. “This too shall pass.” When we were younger I would always say it to him pertaining to all the bad things in life. It was my way of telling him, don’t worry brother, all this crap will pass, this will not be your, forever.
As I grew older tho, I have found that I am applying this saying to everything in life. The good and the bad. Those treasure moments, where all is right in your world, and you feel like every cell in your body is a champion and loved and incredible and perfect,..... this too shall pass. And all those moments where nothing is right in your world, and you feel like every cell in your body is failing you, you believe you are causing more harm than good to anyone, who comes near you (and the kids don’t care), there is no space for you on this planet…...this too shall pass. Everything is getting ready to be washed out with the tide, or in with the tide, but either way, its getting warshed.
There is a line, in one of my favorite songs, that goes like this:

Will you recognize my face, when God’s awful grace,
strips me of my jacket and my vest
and reveals all the treasure in my chest.

I love the fact that it is God’s awful grace that shows us what we are made of. This outer force, dictating the tides, washing over our souls, revealing all the treasures we contain.
I am learning to listen and respect, the cycles of life, learning that each moment is what we have. We are never as young or as old, as we are today. The tide of time is dictated by outer forces, the intensity of the tide is dictated by outer forces too. It is not my job to try and control the tide, it is my privilege to live and experience each and every one. To grow into the rhythm, open to displays of wonder, humbled by the awe.
Have you ever gotten to the perfect beach, just as the peak of the tide was in? It limits your play space, you can walk out, ankle deep, forever and not go for a swim, in California at least, it’s downright restricting. But within about 20 min the tide has obviously turned.
That point of the tide, right before the turn, that is my night. That is my time to reset before I have to either be going or coming.
Oh how I love my nights. And the crazy thing is, I can have moments of my nights, whenever I need them, all it is, is taking 20 min to not be going or coming. It’s my time to breathe.
I am learning to take them more. I am learning that the tides of life will remain faithful like the moon. And once in a lifetime we will have the privilege to gaze in humble, wonder and awe as the outer forces dictate the tide and display phenomenal spectacles. Above, within, and throughout us all.
