"nakey ass, nakey ass"

Emma - "today at school we were talking about things we want and things we need."
"HMmm really. what are some things that you want and what are some things that you need?"
well I want candy but i need a home
yeah that is great
 and I want that car that Tucker has and i can drive it and I fit perfect in it and can go for rides wherever I want and take Tela for rides but I NEED clothes. *sigh* 

Leah was actually back seat driving me over the weekend. we were on the 5, stuck in traffic and for 20 min she is telling me to switch lanes. SWITCH LANES!!! why are you not switching lanes? that lane is moving faster, shoot it is moving period!! Switch lanes.... and then I told her we were heading to Pasadena and she would get outraged every time I would pass a sign that had Pasadena on it. Mom we passed Pasadena again!!! At one point I glanced at her only to be met with a face of complete unbelief and lack of faith in her mother’s driving ability. Needless to say, despite the obvious voice of Karma in our car, we did get where we were headed, just like my parents before me. 

I got the unspeakable joy of seeing some of my nieces and nephews this weekend... love overflowing. My brother and sister leave me speechless in their roles as parents. They amaze me and I love to see them fall ever more in love with their little ones.
 It seems that I blinked too long as I saw all the little ones getting so much bigger. Ryan asking for a tasty beverage. Riley falling in love with Marc and saying his name so clearly. Julianna eating food like there is no tomorrow. And the big kids that seem to be blending in with the adults more than ever. Yoel talking about driving and road trips. Matt grinning from ear to ear in his laid back manner. Electronics knowledge that has me puzzled and amazed in the same breath.  
Josh beaming with pride could hardly wait to show Marc his daughter. Gazing around the over filled condo, his eyes found his daughter as love and sheer pride overtook his whole being, he stood a good 6 inches taller and boasts, “Have 
you seen my daughter?, That One, that one is Mine!!” 
Later on Yudi was smiling at her newest niece and pipes up, “she is light” Josh with nothing but Papa pride as he holds one of the rolliest, polliest babies I have ever had the privilege to kiss, responded with, “She is 15 pounds!!” 
Yudi followed a little quieter with, “I meant her skin” 

I love it, all of it. the chaos, the laughs, the kids running around yelling, “nakey ass, nakey ass” as the little guy is running around all, well, nakey ass. Random jumps in the pool, frantic searches for little ones as they unknowingly watch tv upstairs, non-stop swimming, hugs, and video games, good food, beautiful smiles, tired eyes, bagels and spaghetti sauce :). Catching up on the past and making plans about the future. I truly missed some beautiful faces and souls but appreciated all the time that I got to spend with a few of the people that I love.
(here is to you Johnny) I have decided to not go off to the looney bin yet. Thankfully your poetic words and these beautiful souls keep me grounded, along with my most sensible husband, who has my heart and keeps my feet on the ground as my kids take my sanity to the skies. Well to be fair, my kids create the beauty of the skies and ground too. Miss you, love you, and thank you for writing to me. 


Danya said…
ahhh Rach, you made me smile so big and my heart so happy to read this post! Such beautiful faces! All those cute faces are definitely looking bigger/older. I am so happy you blogged and shared so I could feel apart of it all miles away! Love you all and as always wished we could have been there! So excited to see you so soon though!