Cold I Will Be

Can you feel it? Said my skin to my brain.
Shush says my brain, I am not ready for that!
Can you feel it? Said my toes to my feet.
Shush says my feet, I am not ready for that!
Can you feel it? Said my hands to my chest .
Shush says my chest, I am not ready for that!
Can you feel it? Said my cheeks to my face.
Shush says my face, I am not ready for that!
Can you feel it? Said my limbs to my body.
Shush says my body, I am not ready for that!
But the cold has our observation, 
our little hairs are at attention.
Shush says myself, I am not ready for that!
Ready or not, I pull my sweater tighter.
Ready or not, I reach for another cup of warm tea.
Ready or not, Fall is here and cold, I will be.
