
I am completely humbled by life right now. It truly is an honor and a privilege to be alive. What amazes me is all the goodness that is filling up every crevice of my existence. The kids are all healthy, happy, and full of life. Ian is going to be off for two whole weeks from work (TWO whole weeks). We are warm, celebrating life by appreciating life in all the wee moments. Hanukkah, birthdays, christmas, thanksgiving, change in temperatures, santa lists, sticky fingers, dirty floors, laundry, cooking, laughter, friends, mama juice, creativity, art, family, jokes, warm blankets, gifts, hot coco and warm tea, love, life!

Here are a couple conversations that made me smile;

Me- "Tela it is time for a nap"
Tela- "no, sleep not my favorites"

Tela- I have a ideal, you be boy and I be mom
Me- ok
Me- Mom mom mom mom mom
Tela- yes boy
me- mom mom mom me thirsty
Tela- ok boy we be home you have a cup you have a water ok boy
me- mom mom mom mom 
tela- yes boy
me- im hot
tela- ok boy you be ok
Me- mom mom mom 
tela- yes boy
me- mom you clean kitchen when we get home
Tela- um me no want to play anymore

Walked into a conversation between Leah and Sam
Sam- "I overuse my smile..."
turning to me while smiling, "Mom is my smile guilty?"

Emma comes running in from outside tenderly clutching a filthy key on a chain. “Mom I found a key to the castle in the sky!!!”
While cleaning out the cat box Emma is watching me as well as Panther(our cat).  Emma - “Panthers thinking, now what are you doing?! Why are you taking all my memories?”

We have a super full, busy week ahead. It seems like we have had nothing but super full, busy weeks. I suppose that is why I am currently completely humbled by life. Life is amazing, life is full, life is happy. I hope that everyone is gearing up for christmas and realizing what a humbling experience it is to walk this earth. To come along side all those around you and share in laughter and hugs. To capture the little moments and live them to the fullest. To be fully present in each moment, with everyone, with yourself. well the kids are up and squawking (yes they squawk in the morning). Ian comes home tonight from being gone all week :) I get to see my siblings tomorrow. :) I get to go hug a squawking, crying Tela RIGHT now. :)
