My dog child

For the better part of her knowledge, Tela thinks of herself more as a dog than a girl.
Just now I was putting some underwear on her. Before placing them on her I held them before her and asked, "Do we go pee pee in these?"
 "Um no" she responded to my hearts delight.
"Do we go poopoo in these?"
She quickly and proudly responded "No".
My heart filling with hope I followed with, "Where do we go pee pee and poo poo?"
Without missing a beat she responds, "outside"
"Um no, Tela we go in the potty chair"
"Um no mama,  me go outside. Me go pee pee outside, me go poo poo outside."
"But Tela, mama and dada and Leah and Sam and Emma all go pee pee and poo poo in the potty."
"Me go outside, Dog go outside, me go outside"


Orange said…
That's my girl. Dog. GIRL :)