Daddy's girl

Emma is my little, deep thinker.
The other day as we were driving into town she told me that if dad were to go away forever than she would cry for five months or more. And she would even cry on her birthday. She proceeded to tell me that even when she gets older and moves away she is going to be so sad and is going to take a picture of Dad so that she can look at his face everyday and try not to feel so sad. Although Dad did inform her that he is going to visit her to which she replied that maybe she will live very close so that he can visit her every day.
My heart leapt with tenderness at the love she holds for her Dad.

Today in her journal she wrote what she would like heaven to be like. She wrote that she would like black and green olives there to eat. Puzzles and a mountain and fairies.
I am glad to know that she has daily opportunities to taste heaven here on earth. :)

But my favorite of today was her assignment to write a fable.
It goes as follows:

The Cat and the Mouse
Once there was a cat. This cat was always hungry. She was angry because nobody gave her food. She was super angry because nobody gave her water. She was super sad because nobody played with her. She was a super sad, mad cat.
She would lay down all day and not say a thing. Not a peep, not a meow, not a squeak, not anything!! One day a little mouse, who talked all day, came up to the cat.
"My what a beautiful day!" The mouse saw the cat and said, "Why are you such a sad, mad cat?"
"Nobody feeds me, nobody gives me water and nobody plays with me," growled the cat.
The mouse said, "Have you asked for food?"
"No" said the cat, "they should just give it to me!"
"Silly cat, they can't know what you are thinking. You have to say, "Please can you give me food?""
So the cat tried it and she got a whole fish and a dish of nice, healthy milk.
"Wow" said the mouse, "look what your words got you."
The cat thought maybe I will try using my words to have a friend.
"Will you play with me?" said the cat to the mouse.
"Yes" said the mouse, "but I have to warn you, I talk a LOT!!"
"That's ok", said the cat, "I am just starting to talk"

The moral of the story is.....
Always use words to get what you want.

I love that she, although shy and my biggest sweetheart, understands how wonderful words are. I love her sharing her magical thoughts with us. I love how her mind works and,more so, I love how her heart works.


Orange said…
So Tela is the cat and Emma is the mouse...??? I love my clever girl!