Going blind?

Emma has been nothing but questions, questions about everything. Why, how, who, where, what and all these questions have led to some great conversations while other questions have led to, "why don't you ask dad when he gets home from work"
Well today as we were driving back from school the question that came out of the blue was,
"How do people get blind?"
"well there is a lot of ways a person can become blind"  I answered hoping that would suffice.
"Give me the top five reasons a person can become blind then!" was her reply
My mind immediately goes to game show participate and I am trying to think of the top five reason a person goes blind!!! Ekkk  five?!! really!!
"Ok well a person can be born blind" 1 down 4 to go
"Oh and a person can go blind due to an infection"
She quickly chimes in "oh like pink eye"
"No I don't think you can go blind by pink eye although that is an infection in your eye"
"well how about a black eye, can you go blind by a black eye?"
"um no I don't think you can go blind by a black eye"
"oh they are just ugly but not blinding"
"Yeah I don't think pink eye or a black eye is very becoming....."
Thankfully we got to where we were going and I did not have to come up with the other top 3 reason a person goes blind.


Danya said…
lol...love it! She is just sooo cute!Love those questions and all the whys :)