gratitude and thankfulness overflowing

 A day of thankfulness yet as I heard on the radio yesterday, how much better off we would be if we spent 364 days being thankful and one day to complain. :) I feel that has been the lesson I have been learning. Using thankfulness as my pavement on this path of life that I have been walking. Finding gratitude in each struggle and clinging to the choice to smile. Finding my smiles and diving into them. Pouring myself into all that is contributing to making my days 364 days of thankfulness.  Happy Thanksgiving one and all

On the other side of today I find myself marking and feeling the liberty to vocally acknowledge a great day of mourning.  Time has passed us by, today tender thoughts of Safta. Oh how i miss her. So I will share on this tender day of thankfulness and sorrow my letter to Safta. 

My heart just aches to be near you, Safta. To feel you close, see you smile and your shining eyes of love. 
you would be so proud of my kids. They are beautiful. You would see how unique and wonderful each one of them are and cherish them in all their wonder. 
Leah and her artistic, spirited soul. Absorbing the world with her questions as she is figuring out how to walk it’s many paths. How she loves the special time of being together. Enjoying a sweet and talking about nothing and everything. Safta you would be a great listener and an understanding shoulder. 

Sam is growing into a little man, a little gentleman. Safta, he is so sweet and thoughtful. His heart is so tender and he longs to please. He is slowly learning to control his energy. He loves to know that he is noticed and praised for his good efforts. You would be such a positive encourager for his growing heart. Amazed at how incredible he is. 
Emma is nothing but delight. She has your soul of wanting to always see good in the world. To always wanting to find a reason to smile. She loves adventure and is learning that who she is is the most wonderful thing she can be. She is magical, smart, and oh so sweet. You would have helped her see and accept herself for all the wonderful amazement that she holds within herself. There is no one like her and she should embrace that and let it shine. 
Tela would make you smile so much. I am laughing and crying as I write this. You two have yet to hug and yet I know that she would playfully have made you chase her for that hug. She is my delightful lightening of energy in our home. Her heart is so much bigger than her little body and she thinks she is way beyond her 15 months of age. The owls seem to continue to follow her and she does seem to be wise beyond her year. I know that she has much to teach us all and with overwhelming unison we all love having her energy in our lives. You would have shared in my joy of her as with all my kids.
I miss you and me. I guess my feeling of such sadness right now is that above all I want to share my smile with you and have you share yours in return. I am happy in my life but today in particular I wish that you could be my great listener and understanding shoulder, you could be my positive encourager for my growing  heart, you could help me see and accept myself for all the wonderful amazement that I hold within me, and that you would visibly be there enjoying me. You have been all that and so much more my whole life, I suppose that it is not the day but the memories of all that love energy within our shared days that has sent my heart aching to be near you once more. 

I have all reasons to be sad today but my heart is overflowing with gratitude and thankfulness, so I find myself smiling. :) 
