She is genius, Genius I say!!

Since my baby is a genius I only let her interact with other genius babies. So far, thankfully, all babies we have been hanging around have proven to be little geniuses in their own rights.
Now back to my genius who at 10 months old understands a world of words. She will dance if you ask her too (as long as music is playing), she will give you a kiss on a sweet demand, she will begin to smack her lips if you ask her if she wants to try something, and she will break out into a quivering lip cry of sorrow if you tell her "NO Baby" when she wants to play with the electrical cords. She is such a genius that thus far she has learned the use of  body language is much more global friendly so she can sign language all done, wave, hug, smile continuously, climb up on your legs and pull your skirt down to ensure that you reach down to pick her up, clap with everyone else or to let you know she is happy, fake cough if she wants your attention, and snuggle into you if she sees you just need some love.   Genius I tell you!
She is so smart that no matter where i try to hide, she always finds me.


Orange said…
Oh, how I love that face! All my grandchildren are their own way!