Along with the falling leaves

My days seem to be like the falling leaves. They are passing, some seem to fall silently by as if in a whisper while others make a grand array of themselves before joining the others on the speckled ground. Yet just like my days the falling leaves have now become a glorious pile of days gone past and a beautiful reminder to jump right into the huge pile of unblogged memories. So here we go again.
I truly wish there were ways to bottle moments of happiness. To store in a priceless or disposable bottle all those emotions of joy that wrapped themselves around your being and heart in the delightful days of happiness. Save those moments in a bottle, for those moments that are bound to happen, where happiness has been washed away and sorrow seems to have taken domain. And since I have yet to find a bottle that I can grasp but instead found words reread to release previous joys, it is words that I find myself writing because these days of mine are filled with so much happiness. Lets see since my birthday, which was a wonderful day despite having forgot my wallet in Ian's car so I remained without identity or access to our bank account (kept me sober and on budget), we have enjoyed halloween, friends, family, a Mike Gordon concert and the end of Sam's soccer season.

We had a very tired penguin between passing our cookies out and actually going trick or treating.
A horse, a ninja and a penguin made a lot of neighbors smile as that is what they saw when they answered their doors. It was so cute to see them hand over a bag of cookies and then remain frozen in their spots until the recipient returned with a candy for the kids.
Sam carrying the basket of goodies for the neighbors which was quickly replaced with a basket full of goodies for the kids.
We were so excited to dress up for halloween that we snatched any chance we got to put on a silly face prior to the actual dress up day. I love the way they make me laugh.
Emma with her jack-o-lantern and a her scary face.
Ahhh it's all my kids decorating cookies for our neighbors.
Well Sam's soccer season is over for the year. He was just sheer delight for me to watch. Every Saturday I would find myself getting soooo into his game as he would spend the entire hour running his heart out and grinning the whole time. I am kinda gonna miss his Saturday games.
Yet like all things I am also glad that with the change in the weather we will no longer be supporting overpriced hot chocolate prices and trying to keep two cute girls warm and happy.
Sam made a great goalie and on his last game Ian told Sam that he could throw the ball out to his players and not just kick it. We thought that his shoulder would be sore the next day with all the great throwing that he did.
Ok I really should go and help Ian put the kids to bed but real quick..... Last night we (Ian, Chris and myself) went and saw Mike Gordon (bass player for Phish.) It was awesome!! It was a small, small venue so we got to be right next to the stage, five feet from the band who throughout both sets would make eye contact with us and smile in response. For the second set I got to sit on the stage and as someone yelled out, "YOu are on the stage, you are part of the band" Yeah for me!!!!

My favorite part of the show was gazing over at my husband and see his glorious face all lit up with a huge grin, as he is swept up in the beat of the bass guitar and harmony of the music.
Ok there is so much more that I could add to these few words and pictures but I really feel that I should help with the kids and kiss my husband.
