I just did not want to wake up this morning. I was having a dream with Safta, not of Safta, but with her. I have never had a dream like this and it will always remain so precious to me. In my dream we were together, there was unity and I was soaking in the feel of her presence with me once again. Nothing spectacular happened other than we were together and then she got in line with a bunch of other girls and said, "you can't come with me cause I am going to get fitted for my dress" Her eyes were overflowing with love, as she would remain in her spot in line, yet turning to smile at me, as I stood on the sideline wanting to go with her. Then again she said, "you can't go with me" and just like that she entered through the doors to a room full of glorious gowns and out of my site.
After all this time and through all those countless times a day when I miss her, longing just to feel close to her again. To have a dream like this one, rekindled my heart and made me so grateful for those moments of being close to Safta. Despite her having gone through the doors I did not want to wake up. I wanted to stay rooted in my spot on the sideline hoping to catch another look of those loving eyes. Yet in that in-between state of a dream and wakefulness I knew that I had just been given a gift of time with Safta and now I get to wake up and appreciate my gift of time with my kids before they head off to school.
Love is precious and has a remarkable manner of overflowing ones heart and making life amazing and beautiful. So this morning as I am crazy happy with love, Sam, feeding off of my energy, starts to act all sorts of crazy. "Sam why are you acting so crazy? I really hope that you can calm down before you get to school or you will change colors for bad behavior." Sam quickly responded with a double jump and twist, a full smile on his face and energy bursting through every word, "Oh I just act crazy at home before I go to school so that I get all the crazy out of my system and don't change colors at school."
Then Emma who is all into anatomy at the moment starts in on her system and continues talking about her system the whole ride home.
"Did you know that there is blood in your leg and a bone in your knee?"
"Good to know Emma, thanks for the information"
"And did you know that there are bones in your head?"
"Yes but what else is in your head?"
"Um, I don't know, maybe like blood, or something. My brain is in my booty today"
"Oh ok well what is in your chest?"
"Oh my chest bones and my heart is in my chest and my stomach is in my tummy, but where is Jesus?"
"Well Jesus would be in your heart"
"Thats right, Jesus is in my chest with my chest bones"
Yeah and it just keeps going and going. The body is so fascinating and even more fascinating when your brain is in your booty today and your three years old giving your mom an anatomy lesson.
Well I am off to do some more housework cause there comes such great satisfaction from an endless job like housework.
Love, Bibi