It's ok when they are 3, maybe not when they are 23

Emma has entered the most entertaining stage of imagination. No matter where we are or what we are doing she is ready to become magical and enthralled in a world of make-believe. The numerous conversations we have through out the day tickles my heart and sends my face into the biggest of grins. Yet as I try to remember and share the stories of the day with Ian the entertaining thought struck me that these conversations are adorable with a three year old but would be seriously concerning with a twenty-three year old.

For example,
A three year old informing everyone that she wants to be a rainbow, sparkle unicorn when she grows up. -adorable

A twenty-three year old telling everyone that she wants to be a rainbow, sparkle unicorn when she grows up- seriously concerning and someone needs to hide the magic mushrooms
A three year old asking if you want to be a queen and she will be your princess -adorable
A twenty-three year old asking if you want to be a queen and she will be your princess - seriously concerning A three year old climbing all over you to whisper in your ear all the secrets the wind is telling her- adorable
A twenty-three year old climbing all over you to whisper in your ear all the secrets the wind is telling her- seriously concerning
Along with conversations, Three year old, "What is your husbands name?"
"My husband's name is Ian Newkirk. Do you have a husband?"
Three year old, "No"
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
Three year old, "No"
Three year old, "You did not ask if I have a girlfriend"
Ummmm ok as a three year old, not really as ok as a twenty-three year old.
With hesitation, "Do you have a girlfriend?"
Three year old, "No" *sigh of relief*
And of course the statements,
"I don't think that I am going to have a big wee wee like daddy" -funny from a three year old, not so funny from a twenty-three year old
"Can I get on the table and shake my bootie" -funny from a three year old, not so funny from a twenty-three year old
"I think that that man is a troll or a monster" -funny from a three year old, not so funny from a twenty-three year old
"I don't like wearing underwear" - funny from a three year old, not so funny from a twenty-three year old (well if she is your daughter)
And then of course there are the numerous statements that I had better hear from her no matter if she is three, twenty-three, or a hundred and three.
"I like the roads that tickles my belly"
"This is going to be the bestest day ever"
"Lets dance"
"They are all my favorites and I love everyone"
"Can you hug me?"
"I like making everything prettier"
"I love you"


Orange said…
That's our Emma! Very cute pictures too.