What a wonderful day. We went back to Brite Lake to see how the remaining tadpoles were doing and lo and behold there were little frogs to our hearts delight. Another day spent enjoying my kids doing something we all love to do, in the beautiful sunshine.
The frogs were small but they kept the kids busy all day.
Love these frog faces
Taking a picture of a frog on your nose took some timing but I thought this pic of the frog that took the leap for his life is hysterical. If you look close you can even see it's one hand up as if to wave goodbye to life.
Poor frog... Leah quickly picked it up after it's death defying leap and while it was still in shock we got the shot.
These kids drive me nuts and each other but every so often and a few time a day they get along great and genuinely love each other. I suppose it helps when all three are in rain boots and I said they can stand in the lake.
The kids were permitted to take home a limited number of frogs. They promptly came home and made them a habitat or as Sam put perfectly, "It is their fake home away from their real home before they go to heaven" and I am pretty sure before he finished that sentence one of the frogs went to meet his maker.
Well It is July 1st so in a couple days we are going to be celebrating Independence Day or as Emma calls it, "Fireworks Day." I am not a completely patriotic individual but with all the negativity that is flowing throughout our country it has led me to become increasingly grateful for the small niche in this world that permits me to live as we do, love my family as I do, and be the parent that I love to be. So gratitude motivated me to grab my camera, kids, and a worn flag in the hopes that I can imprint on my kids a thankfulness for living in America.
Sam has completely succeeded in scaring Emma out of enjoying any fireworks since he has taken it upon himself to inform her of how dangerous they can be. I am glad that he is aware of their danger but it is no fun having a three year old come running up to me, a few times a day, screaming that she does not want her hair and eyebrows to be burned off and she does not want to lose her cute hand and her cutest pinkie. We are never buying fireworks.... EVER
Sometimes I do not know who is raising Leah but yesterday she exclaimed that she wants to be a vegetarian for a week. And right now she is watching I Love Lucy (one of her favorite shows)
Actually we have been working on gratitude a lot lately. It is hard to raise grateful kids when they have a full time attentive mom at their beck-n-call. Today we spent the day at the lake with a lovely picnic lunch, went to farmers market and walked to every stall just to see what they had, went out for dinner where they got to order what they pleased and finally came home. Once home Sam asked to play the wii, "No Sam you are not playing the wii cause of your whiney, demanding tone throughout the day" My answer was immediately responded with, "you are so mean, you never let us do anything fun."
Leah keeps bugging me to do Wife Swap (another one of her favorite shows) and after days like today only to be ended with a comment like Sam's I have half the mind to do a wife swap. Grrrr and then they hug me, kiss me, and tell me they love me and all those million moments of ingratitude take a death defying jump from my heart, one hand in the air waving their last farewell until five min later when I am the meanest mommy in the world again cause it is bed time.