The sayings of today

Emma - "Mom you are pretty"
Mom - "Thanks Emma"
Emma - "But I am prettier"

Mom - "Did you see that man riding his bike backwards?"
Leah - "There was a man riding his wife who was going backwards?!"

Sam - Mom did you know that millipedes were worshiping God?
Mom - "Umm no Sam I did not know that. Where did you hear that one?"
Sam - "Oh it was in the bible... you should read it, it is really funny."
(The only thing that I could come up with is that he got Philistines, Israelis and millipedes all mixed up in worshiping God) Philistines - millipedes - Sam's speech impediment and imagination

Today we went to Farmers market and much to Leah's dismay we only went there to buy food (who would have thought.) Sam had brought 2 dollars and as I am buying some peaches Sam decided that he wanted to buy some kettle popcorn so from one turn around to another there is Sam standing with a bag of popcorn and a massive grin on his face. I love how independent he is I just wish that he would communicate with me but then again he is a boy (Ian's boy to be more specific).
And Emma is adjusting to an all day life of competition with her two older siblings. Even when Leah and Sam are not competing Emma is, which leads to numerous devastating moments for her. They got to the stand first, they picked a bigger peach to put in the bag, they got to the stop sign first, they got to the car first, they took a breath of air first. I really do not want her to have a frustrating summer but I suppose being the youngest and with her "all growed up" determination she has to figure this one out. I just would love for her to realize that the day can still be sunny even if Sam can pee standing up and she can't.... so well.


Anonymous said…
lol...too cute! can't wait to see you guys!