When you have kids wall art takes on a whole other meaning. Instead of Picasso we get crayola. Yesterday Ian was looking at a line on the wall and had to ask, "Is this a crack or a pencil mark?" And this morning I noticed that Ian cannot leave his crossword pencil next to the toilet anymore since the "art" work on both sides of the toilet seems to be expanding upward and outward. The kids are even placing their names next to their recent artwork or as they claim the other guilty party is placing the other siblings name next to the drawing to get them into trouble. Despite the wall art through out our house this act is not encouraged, in fact, there are grave consequences if new work is found. The following self expression has led me to reflect on how walls and children can change your thought process. For example, after hours of scrubbing with little improvement I find myself randomly driving to Home Depot just to see what paint is on sale. And once there I find myself only looking at the paint and colors that are super washable. Anything that is not super washable is just a waste of time and money. I have thought about throwing away all pencils and crayons yet due to school work we have to have a couple. Then there is the thought of locking up all dangerous items in the safe only to be removed under close supervision. Yet when all is said and done and as I walk around our home glancing at all our free wall art there is a part of me that likes to see the kids creativity on display. And I am under conviction that despite all my verbal intolerance of the kids wall art they have the ability to see within me that part that likes their wall art. Maybe I should go get some frames and frame it all just so it looks more like art and less like kids running wild in our home.