Once upon a time....

Once upon a time there was a princess, a Sam I Am and a porcupine.
Sam I Am insisted that the princess and the porcupine would love to eat as much candy as they possibly could. So after going to just one house and filling his bag, the princess and porcupines bags and their pockets until they were going to burst he asked if they should eat it here or should they eat it there.
"Our mother is watching" said the princess.
"How about in the house or with a mouse?"
"Our Daddy is watching" said the porcupine.
"What about in a box or with a fox?"
"The dogs will get some" exclaimed the princess and the porcupine
"Well then what about my room and then we can throw all the wrappers under the bed and in the closet and our parents will never be the wiser."
And that is exactly what they did. Except their mother who happens to occasionally be wise discovered all the evidence and had no sympathy for the princess, the Sam I Am and the porcupine who all had tummy aches the next morning.


Orange said…
You know, once the candy is gone, you don't have to worry about doling it out. It is one strategy to deal with Halloween candy.
Anonymous said…
very well written and it was the bad grandma that helped fill up the bags. And she is right it is easier to let them eat it all at once, also easter candy. Muna