Words from an old soul who is her own social bubble....

Well farewell twenties, farewell youth and any thought that my tummy would be flat again without an insane amount of effort. Farewell are the days that I can say that I am twenty something, farewell are the days when I felt like I was still college age category, farewell are the days when I can use my age as an excuse to act stupid and childish.
Now here it is people the first day of introduction to official adulthood and middle age and you know what I am ok with it cause the truth is Ian and I are going to the Phish concert this weekend. :) Shoot I would have turned thirty years ago if it meant that I would have had this upcoming weekend to go to.
Actually I was reflecting on this last year and how I was freaking out about turning 30 and then it struck me that I am happy.
Happy with who I am, happy with where I am, happy with my minuets, that make up my days, that make up my life. And when all is said and done I think that is an awesome statement to make by the time you are thirty. So using two quotes that were used to describe me and just make me laugh,
Happy Birthday to me, a happy old soul who is her own social bubble.

So far this birthday is awesome, Yudi, Darren, Ryan, and Josh came up on Saturday for lunch. Josh gave me the best gift EVER. He had printed out my blog from the last two years and I now get to flip through the pages of my last two years and revisit all those memories. Some family has written birthday wishes on my wall of facebook that I need to check out, my dad sent me an ecard of chipmunks singing me happy birthday and Jen posted a birthday smilebox for me on the outrage blog site :) ? :) Emma has been smothering me with Happy Birthday Mommy and singing me the birthday song, Sam said that for my birthday he will go in the back of line at school (very big thing for him) and not say any of those words that I do not like and Leah wants to know if we are going to go out for dinner for my birthday.
