Three strikes I am out....

One of the first questions I wanted to ask God, when I saw him, was why he gave kids so much energy and the older you get the less energy you have. Shouldn't it be the other way around or at least have a peak when you are in the middle of your life? Well I forget what friend answered this question for me but I think she pinned it on the head. Kids have more energy than their parents because they do not carry any of the weight of responsibility raising them. They do not worry, they do not plan, they do not care about, let alone acknowledge the details that go into every day.
Yeah so I am on my three strikes I am out right now and if you are wondering what that is well I pretty much sum up my being into three categories, mental, emotional and physical. And you guessed it all three are tired and worn out so I got to thinking maybe I should just be a kid for a few days and rejuvenate my adult mind, emotions, and physical being. So after going through my photo data this is what I have come up with.....

When you feel like you are just hanging in there.......

Maybe you just need to change your perspective of the world....

Or just strip down and fill up the soda tub.....

Or paint yourself instead of the project......

Or play with your food instead of eating it....

Or start dancing to your own tune more often....

Or get dressed for anything and then go exploring for it.....
Or do a silly jig in someone else's clothes....
Or slide down a dirt hill till you can not tell the colors of your clothing....

And always end your day with a good book.


CarGate said…
that's why were told to "have faith like a child." They don't worry, doubt constantly, etc. They trust their mommies and daddies. I hope you have a terrific bday, and I'll see you soon :)
Orange said…
Good advice for everyone, not just parents of young kids...