My day of Sam

The other day I got a call from the school saying Sam is in the office, he says he is fine but his forehead is red and has large bumps on it and if I could come get him. Sure I will be there in a few minuets.
I walk in to Sam holding a bag of ice to his forehead and the secretary very concerned because two of the three bumps look like spider bites but he did fall down at recess and his forehead is getting redder by the second (no affiliation to the ice.)
I am trying not to laugh cause he looks like a cartoon character with red swollen lumps across his forehead. Holding back my laughter I smile and say looks like you are getting ready for Halloween Sam, let me guess you are going to be Sandman. Actually the location of the two bumps on his forehead looked like devilish horns were ready to pop through at any moment. Sam assured me he was fine and wanted to go back to class but the secretary was concerned and thought it best if I bring Sam home to keep an eye on his forehead (in case horns popped out.) So we run to the store to get benadryl to help with his non-itchy spider bites and to hopefully help subdue my son while he is home all day perfectly healthy and begging to go back to school.

Well the day wore on and as I was in the kitchen doing some dishes Sam was pouring himself some milk when he spilled some. All I hear is this quiet murmur, "Don't cry over spilled milk. I am not crying over spilled milk, so you should not either."
Turning around I asked Sam what he just said. With a sheepish grin coming across his bumpy face, he repeated, "Don't cry over spilled milk" I just started laughing, hugged him and told him I won't if he won't.
As the day progressed I felt the onset of a cold begin the process of consuming my body so I called Ian's mom to see if she could bring Leah home from school for me. As we were awaiting their arrival Sam and I got into the halloween face paint. I suggested we circle his bumps so that Grandma and Grandpa could see where they are.
We did that and then Sam moved onto a mustache, then eyebrows and before you knew his whole face was covered in decorative scribbles of red and green paint. So when Grandma and Grandpa showed up their concern regarding Sam's forehead was met with relief when they saw the complete discoloration of his face and his obvious well being.
Well the next day despite Sam having done a thorough scrubbing of his face, there still remained hints of multicolors going on. I told him to tell his concerned teacher that his bug bites are not contagious and the rest is just due to being bored at home and halloween face paint.
I know that every child is unique but I really feel blessed to have Sam who is really one of a kind. He came up to me and said that he wants to be something that no other boy is going to be for Halloween. Let me know when you know what you want to be. Well a couple days later he came to me and said he wants to be Sam I Am from Dr. Suess's book Green Eggs and Ham. Sure thing hunny.


CarGate said…
I reAD all of that and get no picture? you take pics of everything, why not this??
Sam I am is a terrific idea!
RN said…
Sam did not want his picture taken that day but I did try.
Anonymous said…
lol..Sam is too cute! love his personality!
what a fun mom you are!
hope you are feeling better
please take lots of pictures of Sam I Am.
counting down the days till your 30th :)