Ahhh my little Buzzards

So I was getting ready to start dinner when I happened to glance at Sam and noticed that his entire forehead was bare and there were longer tufts of hair surrounding the remainder of his face.
Um Sam did you give yourself a haircut cause you look hysterical?
No, no I do not know what you are talking about. was his quick reply
Well since being such a smart mother I thought that we would let a mirror do the arguing on this one and sure enough when the evidence of his actions was apparent before his eyes he sheepishly grinned and informed me that his eyebrows were hot.
So grabbing Ian's buzzer into the backyard we went and buzzed the hot eyebrow boy semi bald. Like my sister who returned from her trip to find a buzzed boy as her son, not overly thrilled over the buzzed look. So to personally have to do it to my son was not one of my more joyous moments and awaited for Ian to come home and drill into Sam what a baldy he looks like and to never cut his hair again. Oh no, Ian being a buzzer himself came home saw Sam and immediately exclaimed, "hey like your hair, looks good, so you finally talked your mom into letting her buzz ya hugh?"

We went for a little family walk last weekend and it was nice to be together and out.

Dad and Emma looking for the airplane. Emma amazed us with her walking ability and even more with her talking and walking ability. For about an hour she walked and talked non-stop.

Leah was excited about finding an old Indian grinding bowl and could not wait to tell her friends.

So the potty thing is going well as long as we are home and she is naked she will always go on the potty. She gets a cookie for every pee or poo and it seems like she goes every five min for the reward but hey it is so worth the cookies cause I have not changed a diaper in a couple weeks. Yeah
And here we have smarty pants who lives in the mountains but learned her address in a few days of singing it. So as you will notice if asked where she lives she will promptly tell you the mountains but if you ask her her address she will sing it to you.


Orange said…
You take such great pictures. I love the grinding rock. have you found any arrowheads?
Anonymous said…
Sam looks great with his buzz!
Such a cutie and growing up so fast.
love the black and white picture of the kids hiking

and Emma is just soooo adorable! she has the cutest personality
please tell her to send some her good potty training habits up to her cousin who is miserably behind and not caring one bit.
love you guys and have a great weekend!