I am there....

You know the commercial that shows the guy at his wedding, camera zooming in on him with the chaos and reality surrounding him. Then a red circular carpet appears beneath him and the spoke man says, " ......You are there......" Yeah well anyway tonight I feel like I am there. I am stupidly awaiting for the red circular carpet to appear under my feet and the voice coming from no where announcing to everyone that I am officially there, there in the moment of realization that my reality is really mine, there in the moment of complete chaos, there in the moment of mentally signing off on another piece of my sanity. YES I am there.
Anyhow I think that a double date with Jose and Jack (the other Jack... I was going to put Johnson but that seems even worse) would held dissolve the red carpet. And if you have no clue what I am talking about I think that we should leave it that way.
So I took the kids to the lake today and it was hot and semi fun outside of Emma thinking that she was at the beach and did not understand why I did not want her to go and splash around in the nasty water. The kids caught some tadpoles which we will be holding a memorial service for later this week and I loved the fact that it was hot today. I actually went to stand in the shade at one point which is really big for me. So yeah that's about it other than everything else but this is all that I want to blog about for now.

So the lake had these cool tree carvings through out the area and the kids and myself thought they were awesome.



CarGate said…
I'll try not to be disappointed that the commercials you speak of are brought to you by State Farm Insurance. ;)