
Baby Ryan is home!!!! I am so happy and relieved that the Hager family is all together under one roof. Thank you to everyone that prayed.

I forgot to add one of my smiles to yesterdays blog so here it is.
Emma is all about loving. Every morning as we leave to take the kids to school she says goodbye to everything and I love you.
"Goodbye Hawthorne Love you, Goodbye Dora love you, goodbye Diego love you, goodbye pillow love you," then she paused looking at my coffee cup, "goodbye coffee mommy love you."
Yes mommy does love her coffee. Emma will even tell the people at the drive-thru, "thank you love you" Passing the park, "morning park love you" "morning goats love you" Yet when she says love it comes out more like lub so to everyone that is dear to my heart have a very lubbing day today and smile cause Ryan is home.


CarGate said…
The Here We Go blog is the best blog ever. !! :)