Our poor baby Ryan

Ryan is in the ICU on a three day antibiotic medication.
My heart is just breaking.
Although we have not gotten the results back from the strep B testing Ryan's health has been on the decline. He has not been eating, becoming more and more lethargic and harder to wake up for feedings. He has also had a hard time keeping his body temperature where is should be, which can all be signs of him having strep B (which left untreated can be fatal in newborns).
Thankfully now he is getting the treatments he needs to help him fight the bacteria (if he has it) and help him regain some of his lost weight and strength.
If you pray and even if you don't, pray for Ryan, Yudi and Darren. This is heart wrenching for anyone but with Ryan being their first baby it is overwhelming. Pray that Ryan has a quick recovery and that his strength comes back with a vengeance. Pray that Yudi and Darren remain strong and find comfort in the fact that they are doing all that they can for their little one.


Anonymous said…
ahh so sad :(
poor little Ryan
and Yudi and Darren
that is so tough
my kids have been so sweetly
praying for baby Ryan every night.
thanks for posting
Anonymous said…
I am so sorry Rachel.
CarGate said…
I'll be joining you in prayer! I love you too Rachel!