Our practice Thanksgiving

So we got two turkeys (buy one get one free) and Ian left one in the fridge for us to eat prior to Thanksgiving sooo we had a trial run for Thanksgiving dinner. The kids and my hubby failed miserably. Well my hubby is not too much to blame, he had to work late therefore did not even show up and the kids well they just flunked at good manners, happy hearts and succeeding at a nice quiet meal. Sam was in his Sam funk and just had to be difficult about everything. Leah was saying how she is thankful for everything and going into detail about everything only pausing long enough to screech at Sam across the table to stop doing something or to eat with manners. Emma keeps asking for more of everything that she has on her plate and saying "happy birtday" cause there are candles lit on the table and she wants to blow them out. So the trial run for thanksgiving dinner ended with Emma blowing out all the candles, spilling her cup and spreading her mash potatoes over herself and her chair and her quarter of the table (I swear I did not give her that much mash potatoes,) Sam being sent to bed early, screeching and screaming cause he did not get to eat his apple pie that he made and Leah loudly proclaiming how good her apple pie is and me well I got to spend 4 hours cooking dinner and then to only eat it cold. So all in all I am looking forward to Thanksgiving dinner where they will be more adults than children, I don't have to cook and clean up everything, and if my kids do not behave.... God help me. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!!


Anonymous said…
lol...Happy Thanksgiving
sounds like a very eventful pre thanksgiving dinner :)