School Mornings

Mom - Sam I let you sleep in so hurry up and get dressed.
Sam - How am I supposed to get dressed if you want me to sleep?

Leah- Mom we are always on time for school, how come I need to hurry?

Emma - Wets go, Wets go, Bye dog, dog, bye baby, bye hawfore wets go wets go (then breaks down crying cause Sam won't let her have his backpack).

Mom- Hello can you hear the words coming from my mouth?.... when I say it is time to go it means that it is time to go. So get up and move your booty to the car.

Leah- Did you pack my lunch? and you said that today we could go to the library so can we go today?

Mom- Can you please just hurry up and put your shoes on and get in the car.

Motherhood is blasted full of intensely stressful moments unfortunately the kids are oblivious of them all.


Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Rachel!!
We love you!
Have a wonderful and special day.