
So I was wondering why we tip our hairdressers and who invented this. Why do we not tip the gas meter reader after we have paid our gas bill? Or the bagger at the grocers after we paid for our food? I understand and appreciate those positions that tips are recommended but I was just wondering why our hairdresser fall into this category? Do you tip the people that do your nails as well? Or the person that shows you to your tanning stall? Once again I am showing my ignorances but it has never caused me any major harm to wonder. I could probably live off of my tips alone if my kids tipped me for serving their food, doing their hair, clipping their nails......


Anonymous said…
lol...I agree tipping is way off
even at Starbucks these days you are suppose to tip
Not sure how the rules apply either
but wish they would just do away with tipping and include it all in the fee.
We would be so very rich Rachel if we were tipped by our kids :) for everything we do.
and you are funny about the shoe comment :) I do like my girls shoes to match the outfit. She could care less though.
Happy Wed. happy survival :) or at least that's how I feel at this point