
Do you ever feel like you are crazy but are as normal as you are ever gonna be? Lately I have been having crazy thoughts and just kinda feel like I am going crazy but then I was thinking (in my crazy state) that this is probably very normal for me. So whoever it is that defines what is normal and what is crazy.... I would really like to meet you just to clarify some things. Thanks


DC Girl said…
I indeed know what you are is darn hard to describe too. I've been feeling this way for awhile now too.
Brown Eyed Girl said…
Well, I'm not the right person to ask, cause I'm always crazy.. Crazy is normal for me. When I'm not crazy, I don't know what to do with myself, so I get depressed. I was on my hands and knees at 11 Pm last night scrubbing my kitchen floor cause I couldn't stand it one more second.. What do do????
if you feel out of control, that's crazy...
Anonymous said…
lol..Rachel sorry. I feel crazy too most of the time. Kids and life will somehow do that to you.
My answer to every thing in life lately to help myself feel better is clean. I clean, clean and clean some more. Yesterday the shower doors got a good scrub and today I feel less crazy :)
You need something for You. Something to channel your crazy feelings too. You should start an art studio for yourself or photography business.