Clarifying "Surviving Motherhood"

I just wanted to clarify what I mean when I refer to “surviving motherhood”:

Toys aren’t part of a living room’s furnishings?

An undisturbed shower is a luxury or is reserved for after bed time

The weekends are crazier than the week days

The desire for a clean house turns into the reality of a livable home

You have anxiety attacks at the thought of cleaning out your car for fear of what you might find under the seats

Five loads of laundry a day isn’t normal?

You have more plastic dishes in your kitchen than any other kind

Macaroni and cheese becomes one of YOUR most common lunches

You can put your name down in the game of scategories as something that is sticky

Getting through a book becomes one of your new year resolutions, along with holding onto what sanity you have left

A quiet house scares you

Grocery shopping becomes your biggest outing and challenge of the week (God bless the bakery who gives each kid a cookie)

You might do the same things over every day but you never know what to expect

You do not even blink when you hear a blood curling screech

You are responsible for the hygiene of four people but are not left alone long enough to put your own deodorant on in peace

You make dinner from scratch only for it to be greeted with comments of dislike

You might be the chef but eating a hot dinner is a luxury

If you get a day to yourself at home all you want to do is clean (uninterrupted and without repeat) and have a nap

The frazzled hair look rather suits you or at least your feelings

10-pm to 6-am goes by in a blink of an eye but 4-pm to 7-pm can feel like a 20 hour marathon

Baths before dinner can sometimes be the reason there is a dinner at all

One year olds and five and seven year olds for that matter, do not care that you ARE DONE!!!

And just because the kids raise my heart rate for at least 30 minuets a day does not mean that I am in shape


Anonymous said…
those are hilarious and couldn't be more true