Before I Forget

Admits all the chaos, that was an active participate of our vacation, the kids were full of funny quotes. My favorite ones were, when Lacey asked Sam if something was wrong with his butt (his hand was down his pants) he replied, "Yeah my underwares in it." When we asked Leah if she had said anything funny over the weekend she put on a most thoughtful expression and said, "I don't think so." While we were driving around looking for Hawthorne, with our heads out the windows calling for Hawthorne and Joey (the beagle dog) Sam piped up that he missed Hawthorne and Joey (who cares about Joey, we still have two and half hour drive left and it is now dark.) And last but not necessarily funny Leah made a snow girl that had hair and bangs and who seemed to be very happy, due to her expression on her face, to be in the snow. Leah was very proud and worked very hard on her, whom she named Becky (please do not ask me why, God only knows how the minds of children work.)


Anonymous said…
I love their little quotes so cute!
What adorable pictues.