The secret superpowers of lucky charms

Emma's favorite cereal is lucky charms and until this morning I always thought that it was the thrill of eating marshmallows in your cereal. Boy was I wrong. This morning admits the joyous jumping up and down, as I poured her cereal, she kept exclaiming with an urgent authoritative voice, "I need all the powerful marshmallows, don't forget the heart one cause that one is most important." A little curious about these new exclaimed powerful marshmallows and always ready to go on a non-chemical induced trip with my three year old, I was all too eager to ask a few more questions.
Wow what a trip those questions led us on.
The heart marshmallow gives you superpowers that make you so strong you can pick up a log and throw it to outer-space.

The rainbow marshmallow lets you fly and kill. Kill?? Oh only dragons and monsters
The moon marshmallow lets you put people to sleep if they won't let you play cards with them (Sam)
The balloon marshmallow gives you the superpower to break out of fences so no one can keep you locked up in a yardThe shoe-horse marshmallow gives you the powers to break glass so if you want to fly to outer-space than just break glass and fly away.
Emma ended this lengthy yet interesting conversation with, "When I eat all my marshmallows than I am a super power girl."
So far I have only seen her super power to screech and be adorable. She followed her morning conversation with, "Mom where are we going today?" "I don't know Emma, we don't really need anything from the stores." "Come on mom, just tell me, just tell me where we are going today."


Orange said…
You didn't know about marshmallow super powers? Where have you been?