In the unspoken language of three siblings their is an agreement that never shall the three look at the camera at the same time. No matter the amount of yelling or shots taken by the photographer the three shall never have a nice picture of the three of them. So the following shots are my pics of this week and confirmation of my theory that the three are in cahoots.

Oh I forgot to mention that their alignment amongst themselves does permit me to get shots of the backs of their heads.

Here is a pic of us 8 siblings and look we are all looking at the camera (just not my camera.) Please pause and laugh with me at the pyramid affect of our stature. We see who ate and who ate beans growing up. It would not be so funny but Josh (the tallest one) stands about 5' 8 or so. So next time you have the desire to laugh at my height please pause and take a look at my family tree or should I say pyramid.
