So I feel obligated to blog about my boy Sam, as I have had a few people tell me that he just does not seem like Sam anymore.... he seems calm and quiet and self-controlled. All character qualities that you would usually not associate in the same sentence with Sam let alone use to describe him.
Well after my third encounter with an outsiders view of Sam I felt obligated to stand back from keeping him alive and really have a look at how my boy is changing. And changing he is... he is growing up, calming down, and above all starting to show some capability to control himself. It is an amazing transformation and despite us living in the same house it seems to have happened right under my nose without me even noticing this magical transformation.
Today we were at Home Depot for way too long and he was relatively good the whole time, outside of the one time that he climbed one of their ladders and made a worker gasp so loud (on another aisle than myself) that I knew it was Sam and just started yelling his name (I was down the aisle looking at paint colors.) Or when he decided that he would follow one of their workers while she helped another customer and wanted to continue to follow her despite the fact that we were leaving that area.
So yah, Sam is changing and growing up and full of delights and pleasures and less on the heart attacks and fear of what he is up to in any moment of silence. Yet in saying all this he will always remain Sam and there will always be that glorious part of him that propels him to wake up at 5:30am to ask dad, because he just has been dying to ask him all night, that if you play dead will a fox or a coyote eat you?